Who called you from +441613940018?

+44 161 394 0018

negative reviews, advertising landline phone United Kingdom, Manchester -

Ratings 01613940018

  • 5x negative

Categories 01613940018

  • 3x advertising
  • 2x scam

reviews +441613940018

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Scam reported by

Mumbling from a script with heavy breathing. Asked them to repeat several times but they just repeated the exact same script. They were claiming I'd downloaded something and wanted me to confirm details but I told them I cant hear them and hung up. (live person)

Advertising reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Advertising reported by

nuisance call (robocall / recorded message)

Advertising reported by

Constant phoning (robocall / recorded message)
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