Who called you from +447492626581?
Categories 07492626581
- 1x company
- 1x scam
The number +447492626581 has mostly negative ratings. We have 2 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is mobile phone. Possible phone number formats: +447492626581, 07492626581, 447492626581, 7492626581, +44 7492 626 581, tel:+447492626581.
reviews +447492626581
9 months ago
Company reported by anonymous
I received a message on my WhatsApp from this strange number offering me a teleworking job. Since I have been applying to that type of job and several companies, it caught my attention, but when I started noticing some inconsistencies all my alarms went off and I found out that it's all a real fraud. 1. I asked for the name of the company and that if they had received my resume, please confirm my full name, and first warning, they did not do it. 2. My first contact was with Lisa and she told me that someone else was going to contact me on her behalf. Five minutes later, Gabrielle contacted me, but not from Lisa, but from Christine. 3. Te ofrecen un super sueldo trabajando una hora diaria, a finde mes tendras usd 3,000 sin mucho esfuerzo. (robocall / recorded message)
9 months ago
Scam reported by anonymous
Truffa (robocall / recorded message)
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