Who called you from +447460955441?
Categories 07460955441
- 3x scam
- 2x other
The number +447460955441 has mostly negative ratings. We have 5 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is mobile phone. Possible phone number formats: +447460955441, 07460955441, 447460955441, 7460955441, +44 7460 955 441, tel:+447460955441.
reviews +447460955441
8 months ago
Scam reported by anonymous
(robocall / recorded message)
8 months ago
Scam reported by anonymous
Answered on a very patchy line, scammer, do not confirm anything, give any details or say 'Yes' (live person)
10 months ago
Other reported by anonymous
Phoned me on my landline 8am early. He said my name, I only said "who is this please", after a few seconds he hung up. Muffled crackly line, Asian or African male. (live person)
10 months ago
Other reported by anonymous
Would not identify themselves but wanted me to confirm my identity, I didnt, they gave up after telling me I was wasted space on this planet. (live person)
10 months ago
Scam reported by anonymous
(robocall / recorded message)
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