Who called you from +443300013228?

+44 330 001 3228

negative reviews, scam landline phone United Kingdom, non-geographic -

Ratings 03300013228

  • 2x negative

Categories 03300013228

  • 1x scam
  • 1x advertising
The number +443300013228 has mostly negative ratings. We have 2 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is landline phone. Possible phone number formats: +443300013228, 03300013228, 443300013228, 3300013228, +44 330 001 3228, tel:+443300013228.

reviews +443300013228

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Scam reported by

I'm writing from Italy. Pay much attention to this number and to 0039 06 94502632 and 0044 7575 735363. He introduced himself giving me his name and saying that he is the responsible of the italia department of a foreign trade on line company. He gave me some information about the money I had invested, which happened to be true, and then asked me to open "team viewer" or "anydesk" to install a "stop loss" filter. He also called me back from two different additional numbers. I'm going to report the above. Pay much attention. (live person)

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Pffff (robocall / recorded message)

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