Who called you from +442070978369?

+44 20 7097 8369

negative reviews, scam landline phone United Kingdom, London -

Ratings 02070978369

  • 3x negative

Categories 02070978369

  • 3x scam
The number +442070978369 has mostly negative ratings. We have 3 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is landline phone. Possible phone number formats: +442070978369, 02070978369, 442070978369, 2070978369, +44 20 7097 8369, tel:+442070978369.

reviews +442070978369

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Scam reported by

Guy was talking about some investments, didn't know my name or surname. (live person)

Scam reported by

Personne qui appelle avec numéro pour investir en Bitcoin. Donne un lien par mail pour une adresse pour payer par carte ou virement sur un site internet. (live person)

Scam reported by

Appel de l'étranger (robocall / recorded message)
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