Who called you from +442045256683?
Categories 02045256683
- 1x scam
The number +442045256683 has mostly negative ratings. We have 1 user review with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is landline phone. Possible phone number formats: +442045256683, 02045256683, 442045256683, 2045256683, +44 20 4525 6683, tel:+442045256683.
reviews +442045256683
Scam reported by anonymous
They purport to be a bitcoin company. It's a scam. Look up, search for reviews in Bing search or google search about this company name: "Richmond Super." This is a scam company. I have followed and investigated what they do. They will ask you to place a deposit for bitcoin trading investment. They will try and convince you that you can't lose. (They in particular target people that are less informed or know nothing about bitcoin trading.) After a few months of tricking you in to thinking you are making gains, (and it will appear that way on their sham website) your account goes dormant inactive. And then they charge you exorbitant monthly inactivity fees, to the point your account is down to zero. But you can have a go and challenge the caller. Ask them to send you a Product Disclosure Statement of the company they claim to be representing. It is standard practice of any financial organization to offer you full PDS, and its terms and conditions before offering you a financial service, including bitcoin investment. So if anyone is pressuring you to take up an offer for a financial deal or service and pressures you to put funds on it without first offering you PDS, terms and conditions, this is highly unprofessional. And you should challenge these sons of bitches on that point and tell them to go and get stuffed. (robocall / recorded message)
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