Who called you from +442037500167?
Categories 02037500167
- 2x financial services
- 2x scam
- 1x advertising
The number +442037500167 has mostly negative ratings. We have 5 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is landline phone. Possible phone number formats: +442037500167, 02037500167, 442037500167, 2037500167, +44 20 3750 0167, tel:+442037500167.
reviews +442037500167
7 months ago
Financial services reported by anonymous
They claim to be from the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK They say they represent clients who have been scammed online Bitcoin, Cryto Currencies, Forex Traders etc. They claim you have had someone possibly yourself open an account, deposited money and got scammed. They claim to be licesned thru andvpaid by the Financial Banking Regulators in the UK They sound very convincing and tell ypu there is a lot of money belongong to you that they will recover on your behalf. Don'f believe them. They want access to your banking information usually done thru online banking. Once they see how much money is available in your Checking, Savings, Ctedit Cards and Line of Credit. They will calculate the total they will steal it (live person)
9 months ago
Financial services reported by anonymous
They said they had information that someone had all my details and were presently trying to take out ยฃ54000 from a bitcoin account in my name. In China. (robocall / recorded message)
10 months ago
Scam reported by anonymous
Looking for money , had my name and phone (live person)
11 months ago
Scam reported by anonymous
They said that they have my moneyโฆ that they needed more infoโฆ (live person)
11 months ago
Advertising reported by anonymous
(robocall / recorded message)
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