Who called you from +441792721946?

+44 1792 721 946

negative reviews, scam landline phone United Kingdom, Swansea -

Ratings 01792721946

  • 6x negative

Categories 01792721946

  • 2x scam
  • 2x advertising
  • 2x other
The number +441792721946 has mostly negative ratings. We have 6 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is landline phone. Possible phone number formats: +441792721946, 01792721946, 441792721946, 1792721946, +44 1792 721 946, tel:+441792721946.

reviews +441792721946

Did this number call you?
6 months ago

Scam reported by

(live person)

Scam reported by

I received a call from 01792721946 this afternoon from a guy asking how much I paid monthly for my insurance policy but kept dodging the question of which company he worked for. He seemed to know my full name and address but I would imagine they found this online to give them the illusion that it's a real and legit company. After refusing to answer his questions and just kept saying I don't know he asked to call me back later in the day or next week. This is a call scam call, they are going to ask you how much you pay for insurance and then offer you a lower premium. BLOCK THE CALL AND MOVE ON! (robocall / recorded message)

Advertising reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Other reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Other reported by

not sure who this is (robocall / recorded message)

Advertising reported by

(robocall / recorded message)
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