Who called you from +441613941978?

+44 161 394 1978

negative reviews, financial services landline phone United Kingdom, Manchester -

Ratings 01613941978

  • 2x negative

Categories 01613941978

  • 1x financial services
  • 1x advertising
The number +441613941978 has mostly negative ratings. We have 2 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is landline phone. Possible phone number formats: +441613941978, 01613941978, 441613941978, 1613941978, +44 161 394 1978, tel:+441613941978.

reviews +441613941978

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Financial services reported by

After a call from another number this number called and said they were the previous callers supervisor, was told they are working on behalf of Block Bank (Crypto). The first caller was ruse and aggressive and I lost my temper so this guy rang me back saying he had listened to the call and I had been aggressive to the caller even tries to deny that the first caller had repeated told my Wife to "shut up and listen" and called her "very stupid" for not listening to me. If I can contact Block Bank I will be reporting both callers, tried to ring this callers back bit the number is a mask over a cell phone number. (live person)

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(robocall / recorded message)

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