Who called you from +441482496269?
Categories 01482496269
- 4x other
- 2x scam
- 1x advertising
The number +441482496269 has mostly negative ratings. We have 7 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is landline phone. Possible phone number formats: +441482496269, 01482496269, 441482496269, 1482496269, +44 1482 496 269, tel:+441482496269.
reviews +441482496269
Other reported by anonymous
deux appels de + 44 1237436325 et 1482496269 (silent call / hung up)
Other reported by anonymous
(robocall / recorded message)
Other reported by anonymous
(robocall / recorded message)
Advertising reported by anonymous
(robocall / recorded message)
Other reported by anonymous
EN: Seems to be a scam. Didn't have time to respond but it looks like that other people inb France has received the call at the same time with me, very strange ! FR: FR: Apparemment c' est une arnaque. Je n'ai pas eu le temps de répondre mais il semblerait que d'autres personnes en France aient reçu l'appel en même temps que moi, très étrange ! (robocall / recorded message)
Scam reported by anonymous
(robocall / recorded message)
Scam reported by anonymous
Appel de grande Bretagne (robocall / recorded message)
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