Who called you from +3197010280524?


negative reviews, scam landline phone Netherlands, - -

Ratings 097010280524

  • 4x negative
  • 1x positive

Categories 097010280524

  • 4x scam
  • 1x other
The number +3197010280524 has mostly negative ratings. We have 5 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is landline phone. Possible phone number formats: +3197010280524, 097010280524, 3197010280524, 97010280524, tel:+3197010280524.

reviews +3197010280524

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No entendí ni verga (live person)

Scam reported by

Scam saying 24/7 news (live person)

Scam reported by

DON'T ANSWER!!!!!! (live person)

Scam reported by

They call the company number trying to get informations. CEO phone number. They are rude, they use sociotechnical - escalation to the manager even if you are telling that you will redirect request and at the end they dropped the phone (live person)

Scam reported by

They call from different places (Netherlands, Hong Kong, Portugal) Knowing my name, they ask about the number of employees, financial condition, cryptocurrencies, willingness to invest, my age. I gave a fake to find out what it was about. Very insistent, they can call several times in one day. It's always a person with an Indian accent named David, Bob, Kevin... When I resigned and said I didn't want to give information, invest, spend more time, the guy got aggressive. In my opinion, this is some scam for data phishing, ground research for ransomware. Blocking won't help as they call from different numbers. (live person)
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