Who called you from +61385186797?

+ 61 3 8518 6797

negative reviews, advertising landline phone Australia, Clayton, Melbourne -

Ratings 0385186797

  • 6x negative

Categories 0385186797

  • 3x advertising
  • 2x other
  • 1x scam

reviews +61385186797

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Scam reported by

Indian accent . called themselves by a caucasion name "Steve, Trent, Bill" big explanation on how they can offer better electricity, gas etc. then passes person to " representative who asks for personal ID information ( driver's license and medicare card numbers), to be added tot he scammer's reference list they sell to others collecting information on 'marks'. I have had several calls, even on the same night where one says one elec company is better and can save me more than what ever electric company the other said to be with .. just to get you to the next step of ID verification. I am on the ACMA NO CALL LIST and they still ring. (live person)

Other reported by

just more nuisances (robocall / recorded message)

Advertising reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Other reported by

trash call. (robocall / recorded message)

Advertising reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Advertising reported by

(robocall / recorded message)
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