Who called you from +18192014067?

+1 819-201-4067

negative reviews, debt collectors landline or mobile phone Canada, QUEBEC -

Ratings 8192014067

  • 7x negative

Categories 8192014067

  • 4x debt collectors
  • 3x scam

reviews +18192014067

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4 months ago

Debt collectors reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Debt collectors reported by

Credit National, agence de recouvrement (debt collectors) (live person)

Scam reported by

Introduces as a collection agency for a female name while I am not female and then wants to try and get my info, I don't think so. Block this number! wish these lazy get rich quick assholes would just get a job like the rest of us and or that the phone companies could provide more peace from the loosers (robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

No one was at the other end and keeps calling with no one talking. SCAM (robocall / recorded message)

Debt collectors reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Debt collectors reported by

(robocall / recorded message)
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