Who called you from +61991667767?

+ 61 9 9166 7767

negative reviews, scam landline phone Australia, non-geographic TOLL FREE - CORP

Ratings 0991667767

  • 2x negative

Categories 0991667767

  • 1x scam
  • 1x financial services
The number +61991667767 has mostly negative ratings. We have 2 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is landline phone. Possible phone number formats: +61991667767, 0991667767, 61991667767, 991667767, + 61 9 9166 7767, tel:+61991667767.

reviews +61991667767

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Scam reported by

Robocall, blow, fraud, abusive telemarketing and general spam that uses advanced IT techniques and went on a Call Center, URA, Data Center or Central Telemarketing platform programmed for logical and temporalized sequence connections (Time and Timer) The sole purpose of testing, as a algorithm, whether the receiver will meet or is active to, from Spoofing's methods, create disturbing and incessant actions of merchandising. In short, an automatic (robotic and false) impulse telemarketing center to induce people to hire payroll loans with public agencies (INSS, etc). The prefixes of the numbers are the same, it only changes the extensions, with variations in the fourth prefix house. Example: 99166-, 99167-, 99168- And so on. These Hacke (robocall / recorded message)

Financial services reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

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