Who called you from +61352923302?

+ 61 3 5292 3302

negative reviews, scam landline phone Australia, South-east region -

Ratings 0352923302

  • 2x negative

Categories 0352923302

  • 2x scam
The number +61352923302 has mostly negative ratings. We have 2 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is landline phone. Possible phone number formats: +61352923302, 0352923302, 61352923302, 352923302, + 61 3 5292 3302, tel:+61352923302.

reviews +61352923302

Did this number call you?

Scam reported by

It was an Indian sounding man who said he was calling on behalf of the government with some free products for the home. Beware scammers (robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

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