Who called you from +16135662303?

+1 613-566-2303

negative reviews, debt collectors landline or mobile phone Canada, ONTARIO -

Ratings 6135662303

  • 1x negative

Categories 6135662303

  • 1x debt collectors
The number +16135662303 has mostly negative ratings. We have 1 user review with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is landline or mobile phone. Possible phone number formats: +16135662303, 6135662303, 16135662303, 6135662303, +1 613-566-2303, tel:+16135662303.

reviews +16135662303

Did this number call you?
5 months ago

Debt collectors reported by

A shady debt collector at 1-855-811-4061 had been calling me once or twice per weekday for more than two months. This appears to be virginplus.ca (in Canada, "Virgin Mobile" is merely a front for Bell). This has now escalated to the point that I am receiving unsolicited calls from a sleazy collection agency (TSI Transworld Systems Canada Inc) two or three times each weekday "on behalf of Virgin Plus". TSI is changing their displayed number on caller ID daily. The displayed numbers on those calls include 1-416-227-7804, 1-416-227-7847, 1-519-931-4446, 1-613-566-2303, 1-705-524-4091, 1-705-524-4124, 1-807-468-6874, 1-905-312-7630, 1-905-312-7665. I am not a client and I do not owe anything. I've had my Freedom Mobile number since 2020. (live person)

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