Who called you from +14388069358?

+1 438-806-9358

negative reviews, scam landline or mobile phone Canada, QUEBEC -

Ratings 4388069358

  • 12x negative
  • 1x neutral

Categories 4388069358

  • 7x scam
  • 5x advertising
  • 1x financial services
The number +14388069358 has mostly negative ratings. We have 13 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is landline or mobile phone. Possible phone number formats: +14388069358, 4388069358, 14388069358, 4388069358, +1 438-806-9358, tel:+14388069358.

reviews +14388069358

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Scam reported by

What i found starnge was similary to the other comment that it went to voicemail, they had hold music playing and then kept calling me by name! this was very strange for me that theyknew my correct name!!!!!!!!!!! (robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

Call went to vm. Listened to VM music began playing with "please stay on the line a agent will be available to assist you" once the music stopped a mans voice can be heard asking hello can you hear me.. definitely a scammer (robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

Didn’t answer. Read the reviews and blocked the number. Called me yesterday and today. (robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

Didn’t answer. Read the reviews and blocked the number. Called me yesterday and today. (robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

They tried to call me I never spoke with the person on I just let the phone ring until it was brought to my voice message. They then left a voice message but it wasn't one of those "Hi, call back when you have a chance" it all started with one of those "on hold" music and then some guy "picked up" even though it was my voice mail and tried to "talk" to me even though I never even picked up the phone. So I decided to call them and see if anyone picks up but it was left to voice message so I decided to leave them a voice message saying "Hi, I know you are a scam. Stop calling me before I get the cops involved, bye." then I hung up if you ever get a call from that number please do not pick up. Just block the number right away. (robocall / recorded message)

Advertising reported by

Hung up (robocall / recorded message)

Financial services reported by

“Hi I heard you’re interested in the financial market” (robocall / recorded message)

Advertising reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Advertising reported by

I didn't answer (robocall / recorded message)

Advertising reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Advertising reported by

Didn't say anything. (robocall / recorded message)
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