Who called you from +447893930019?

+44 7893 930 019

negative reviews, scam mobile phone United Kingdom, non-geographic Citrus Telecommunications

Ratings 07893930019

  • 7x negative

Categories 07893930019

  • 7x scam
The number +447893930019 has mostly negative ratings. We have 7 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is mobile phone. Possible phone number formats: +447893930019, 07893930019, 447893930019, 7893930019, +44 7893 930 019, tel:+447893930019.

reviews +447893930019

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10 months ago

Scam reported by

Offered a Binance cashback voucher. What was spooky that he actually was informed about the last transaction I made in my account. It was a real person. He sent me an email where I should claim the cashback voucher. The link in the mail lead to the official Binance website binance.com. I'm not sure how this scam is supposed to continue. (robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

Offered a Binance cash voucher 1000 BUSD. Sent an email to get the voucher during the call. Attention, email looks as if sent from binance. They want to steal your crypto. (live person)

Scam reported by

Offered a binance cash back voucher. Sent an email to get the voucher. Attention, email looks as if sent from binance. They want to steal your crypto. Enter only via the official platform!!!!! (robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

(robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

Sends look a like Binance email without personal details or phishing code that claims you could receive crypto. Calls immediately afterwards to probably trick you into spontaneous actions to get your account information. (robocall / recorded message)

Scam reported by

They want to steel your cryto coin , he inform you about new Binance peoducts and they ask to put new password and give to you a link on you phone so they will managw your account. (live person)

Scam reported by

(robocall / recorded message)
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