Who called you from +447441445121?

+44 7441 445 121

negative reviews, scam mobile phone United Kingdom, non-geographic Tismi

Ratings 07441445121

  • 2x negative
  • 1x positive

Categories 07441445121

  • 2x scam
  • 1x other
The number +447441445121 has mostly negative ratings. We have 3 user reviews with a rating for this phone number. Most likely it is mobile phone. Possible phone number formats: +447441445121, 07441445121, 447441445121, 7441445121, +44 7441 445 121, tel:+447441445121.

reviews +447441445121

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Scam reported by

he is fraud. Simply make you fool by telling you that he always help people. his parents and wife died in an accident. he makes you fool by telling that he is god fearing person. actually he and his so called sister and her daughter named Jasmine & sara, they all are fraud for looting your hardened money. don't believe on their stories. They are Fraud. [...] he is 50 years old. but a biggest cheater. just stay away from him and don't take his call. otherwise you will be left with no money. (live person)

Scam reported by

They are cheaters, cybercriminals, they cheat money by telling the they can arrange PR for UK. (robocall / recorded message)

Other reported by

He is a fraud. He duped money from people by telling them that he works with UK Visa department and can help them to get PR in 15 days. He is in india now a days and already cheated people. He said that he is a UK citizen and also said that he is in india just Because he came here for the treatment of those kids, to whom he has adopted. He told that he has adopted more than 200 kids in different countries. He just portrayed as sikh, but he is just a cheater, who cheated hardened earned money of people. One of his so called sister also contacted from Canada, +1 (647) 846-5444. She said my name is jasmine kaur, I am also coming to india to visit different historical places. Both of them cheat people. After contacting on what's app, and duping money. They will not attend their what's app calls and block that person, to whom they cheated and move to next target. (live person)
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